Take Time To Appreciate, Celebrate Your Staff

March 1, 2013
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employee appreciationHappy Employee Appreciation Day! Recognition Professional International created this special day back in 1995 as a way to remind employers to engage in employee recognition. Every first Friday in March, managers all over the world should take a few moments out of their busy work day to say “thank you” to the individuals in their office who work hard every day to bring the company success! We are very thankful for all of our employees, internal and external, at Imprimis Group. Each contributes to our dynamic and open company culture.

Here are a few ways you can celebrate your staff on Employee Appreciation Day (and any other day):

  • Write a note of good work –  And by note, we mean handwritten note, not an email. It’s easy to get distracted with the daily workload. Sometimes, there’s nothing better to employees that to hear how happy their boss is to have them. Not only will it be a kind gesture on today, but also serve a simple reminder the rest of the year when times get tough.
  • Attaboys (and girls) – Studies show that Baby Boomers, individuals born after World War II between 1946 and 1964, prefer to be publicly recognized for their work hard. A quick afternoon office party is a great way to show those employees how valuable they are to the organization.
  • Take them Out to Lunch – Who doesn’t like a free meal? Treat your team to lunch at their favorite restaurant. Use that hour (or longer) to learn more about your employees. Knowing what motivates them, discourages them or how they communicate may yield to a more productive office environment.
  • Sweet Treats – Delectable goodies go a long way in the work place!
  • Flowers or Gift Cards – If your expenses allow it, tangible tokens of acknowledgments are always well-accepted forms of appreciation. A gift card to their favorite restaurant, retail location or maybe a trip to the spa are all good ways to show your employees how much they are worth.

At Imprimis Group, we are committed to showing our employees appreciation throughout the year whether it’s on their birthday, work anniversary, after completing a big project or maybe just a random Friday after a long week of meetings and projects.

There is plenty of research, statistics and studies that show why it’s important to acknowledge your employees on a regular basis. Good people are hard to find. All of the numbers indicate that if we spend more time celebrating those who work around us, less time will be spent orienting new ones.

Now it’s your turn. Share with us how you are appreciating your employees today!